H-1B Activation: Change of Status Within the U.S.

This article discusses how to activate your H-1B status within the U.S., explaining the pros and cons of this option.

Activating H-1B Status Within the U.S. (Change of Status)

  • Most H-1B applicants in the U.S. will default to the Change of Status option for activating their H-1B unless they specifically request the consular process.

  • For applicants choosing this option, once the petition is approved, their H-1B status will automatically take effect on October 1 of that year. Moreover, the applicant will receive an I-797A approval notice.

  • The advantage of this option is that you can change your status to H-1B without leaving the country. Even if your OPT expires after submitting your H-1B petition, you are still authorized to work during the H-1B Cap-Gap until September 30. This allows you to stay in the U.S. and wait for your H-1B status to become effective.

  • One disadvantage is travel restrictions. Before your H-1B status takes effect, you cannot leave the U.S. If you do, your Change of Status application will be voided. You would then need to attend an interview at a U.S. consulate abroad to obtain an H-1B visa and re-enter the U.S. on an H-1B visa to activate your status.

  • Another drawback is that if you still have some OPT time remaining after October 1, choosing automatic activation of your H-1B means giving up that time. To fully utilize your OPT before switching to H-1B, consider activating your H-1B status through re-entry.