Course Reviews for
Trine University
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6 /10
Major: Master of Science in Information Studies
IS 5803 Information Studies Capstone
Instructor: Brandon Kemp
Delivery: onsite
6 /10
8 /10
Major: Master of Business Administration
BA 6933 Statistics & Quantitative Methods
Instructor: Antonio Medina Sosa
Delivery: onsite
8 /10
This instructor gave good grades overall, and you can really learn a lot from this course. The homework loading is quite heavy to be honest, so make sure you plan well with your time especially if you have a full-time job.
9 /10
Major: Master of Science in Information Studies
IS 5103 Object-Oriented Programming in JAVA
Instructor: Jason Meltzer
Delivery: onsite
9 /10
Too many assignments but professor is really nice.
8 /10
Major: Master of Science in Business Analytics
BAN 5003 Operations Analytics
Instructor: Wendy Bond
Delivery: online
8 /10
Every week we got 10-page-paper to write...It's extremely unfriendly for busy CPT students. But, she gave grades generously. I will said 8/10 for the whole course.
10 /10
Major: Master of Science in Business Analytics
BA 6953 Managing Business Information Systems
Instructor: Rob Shah
Delivery: online
10 /10
He gave almost full points for every assignments. Nice Professor!
8 /10
Major: Master of Science in Information Studies
IS 5103 Object-Oriented Programming in JAVA
Instructor: Tori Dodla
Delivery: onsite
8 /10
The homework load is very heavy. There are course material reading, quiz, lab, study card, and discussion every week. In some week the discussion is replaced by a short essay in 1-3 page. There is a final exam in the last week. Overall, the instructor is very nice. She gives a lot of flexibility for missing homework and give many tips for final exam. The scoring is very friendly too.
10 /10
Major: Master of Science in Information Studies
IS 5503 Cloud Computing
Instructor: Jack Li
Delivery: online
10 /10
Easily to get 95/100 out of each assignments, and easy to reach an A finally.
10 /10
Major: Master of Science in Business Analytics
GE 5103 Project Management
Instructor: kamil khalaf
Delivery: online
10 /10
The professor gave grades very generously.
10 /10
Major: Master of Science in Information Studies
IS 5213 Data Science and Big Data
Instructor: Jennifer Johnson
Delivery: onsite
10 /10
7 /10
Major: Master of Science in Business Analytics
AC 5003 Advanced Auditing
Instructor: Khalil Gatlin
Delivery: online
7 /10
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