Course Reviews for
Trine University
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1 /10
Major: Master of Science in Information Studies
IS 5103 Object-Oriented Programming in JAVA
Instructor: Komlan Agbagba
Delivery: online
1 /10
一个学期4篇APA paper,严格要求格式,不符合格式要扣大分。grading拖后一个多月。合着这位“老师”的标准只拿来约束别人,从不约束自己。
7 /10
Major: Master of Business Administration
ECO 5033 Micro & Macro Econ Decision Making
Instructor: Christopher Markham
Delivery: online
7 /10
High grade. One discussion, one quiz, small essay (200 words) on the current economic events per week. The teacher really looks at the essay format and grammar. But full grade on the final paper. Quiz need to search online and some are hard.
9 /10
Major: Master of Business Administration
FIN 5063 Corporate Finance
Instructor: Dane Baxter
Delivery: onsite
9 /10
Need to purchase e-book which is expensive, But the teach is great. Don’t need to do anything in the onsite class and just watch videos. Weekly there are one discussion, 2 quiz and application problem. Sometimes it has puzzle which is interesting and you can find the answer in the e-book. Two papers in the whole semester. High grades as long as you write something.
8 /10
Major: Master of Science in Business Analytics
FIN 5823 Financial Modeling
Instructor: Arlene Goodman
Delivery: online
8 /10
1 /10
Major: Master of Science in Information Studies
GE 5103 Project Management
Instructor: Sylvia Barnai
Delivery: online
1 /10
10 /10
Major: Master of Science in Information Studies
GE 5103 Project Management
Instructor: Mohammad Alhreish
Delivery: online
10 /10
课程ucertify做study card和quiz。 每周discussion,总共四个essay。 老师从不要求essay,打分很高,神仙老师
10 /10
Major: Master of Business Administration
BA 5223 Executive Communication
Instructor: Conni Xecominos
Delivery: online
10 /10
Teacher is responsive to questions and has a personable teaching style! Would definitely take again.
8 /10
Major: Master of Science in Business Analytics
BAN 5013 Analytics Software and Tools
Instructor: Danielle Babb
Delivery: online
8 /10
我在Trine上了6门课 这课算是作业量比较轻松的一个。coursera上看看视频谢谢作业就好 每个礼拜花时间不太多,老师也比较nice
1 /10
Major: Master of Science in Information Studies
IS 5103 Object-Oriented Programming in JAVA
Instructor: Komlan Agbagba
Delivery: online
1 /10
作业很多。不许用ai 作业包括要录video。 不推荐。
10 /10
Major: Master of Science in Information Studies
INF 503 Advanced Database
Instructor: Michael Harmon
Delivery: onsite
10 /10
作业不多。回邮件及时。 onsite上课不点名。
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