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10 /10
Major: MBA in Executive Management, Concentration in Project Management
BA 503 Advanced Analytics for Business
Instructor: Claudiu Geanta
Delivery: onsite
10 /10
I love the class. The amount of work load is just right and have lot of things to learn. Love the way professors explain.
9 /10
Major: MBA in Executive Management, Concentration in Project Management
DRU 500 Management as a Liberal Art
Instructor: Karen Linkletter
Delivery: online
9 /10
It’s good
10 /10
Major: Master of Business Administration in Executive Management
DRU 502 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Based on Drucker's Principles
Instructor: Kenneth George
Delivery: online
10 /10
The homework is not too bad. The teaching style is very flexible and based on your own schedule
7 /10
Major: MBA in Executive Management, Concentration in Project Management
ACC 501 Accounting for Decision Making
Instructor: Carol Mendenall
Delivery: online
7 /10
9 /10
Major: Master of Business Administration in Executive Management
ACC 501 Accounting for Decision Making
Instructor: Yvan Nezerwe
Delivery: onsite
9 /10
This professor is kind and professional. Homework load and classroom discipline is average for ciam. He normally uses examples to illustrate the concepts and sometimes gives tests to check if we understand them. The tests are not too hard.
10 /10
Major: MBA in Executive Management, Concentration in Business Analytics
BUS 501 Quantitative Analysis for Decision Making
Instructor: James Dorsett
Delivery: online
10 /10
老師上課認真,且教學有趣,email回得十分迅速, 且會找額外的課外素材或影片來作補充,也時常分享學術資訊, 人非常好,作業有困難都能跟老師說,很推薦!
10 /10
Major: MBA in Executive Management, Concentration in Business Analytics
MGT 501 Management and Organizational Behavior
Instructor: Howard Meiseles
Delivery: onsite
10 /10
這個老師是我遇過ciam最認真的老師了, 老師教課內容扎實,且會確認同學都跟上才往下,上課偶爾也會跟同學開玩笑,上課氣氛比較輕鬆, 且有問題老師都很願意回答,zoom上課時老師不會強制開攝像頭,算是比較輕鬆又能學到東西的課 如果作業有問題老師還會另外安排時間見你給你解答,整體來說很推薦這個老師!!
9 /10
Major: MBA in Executive Management, Concentration in Business Analytics
DRU 505 Ethical Leadership Based on Drucker's Principles
Instructor: Asbjørn Egir
Delivery: online
9 /10
作業較少,但基本上也是每週1-2次, 老師人很好也很好說話,如果課後有問題可以email老師,他都會回覆 但給分不是很穩定,要是拿到的分數比前面落差很大的話趕緊去詢問老師
1 /10
Major: MBA in Executive Management, Concentration in Business Analytics
ACC 501 Accounting for Decision Making
Instructor: Queluntam Banjai
Delivery: onsite
1 /10
老師本人是非local,,上課帶著比較重的口音,要很用力才能聽懂; 老師課堂上很喜歡點同學起來回答問題(個人感覺有點針對亞洲學生)出勤要求嚴格,zoom的話強制開攝像頭,不開的話老師會喊你名字到你開為止。 課堂風格基本上學不太到東西,老師喜歡叫同學來解釋課本,基本上就是學生自己教自己,有些理論問老師他會讓你自己上網查,10/10不推薦此老師! 作業也非常多,題目時常表達不清錯或是題目出錯,挺災難的一堂課,給大家避個雷
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