Working in the U.S. - CPT/OPT Considerations

This article outlines important considerations for F-1 students working in the U.S. with CPT/OPT.

F-1 students can legally work with CPT and OPT. To maintain your legal status during CPT and OPT, it is important to remember the following points:

Considerations for CPT

  • Application Requirements: You must submit an application to your school's International Students Office and ensure the job is related to your course of study. Some schools may have GPA requirements for CPT, such as a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
  • Work Hours Limitation: During the academic year, part-time CPT is below 20 hours per week. Full-time CPT, which allows up to 40 hours per week, may only be available during summer breaks or specific terms. Violating these work hour limits can affect your F-1 status.
  • Information Updates: If there are changes to your employer, work hours, or work location, you must promptly inform your school and update your CPT authorization.
  • Regular CPT Updates: To maintain your work authorization, you must renew your CPT each semester or academic year.
  • Maintaining Student Status: While on CPT, you must remain full-time student status and meet all academic requirements.


Considerations for OPT

  • Timely Application: You must apply for OPT within the period from 90 days before your graduation to 60 days after graduation.
  • Job Relevance: Your OPT job must be directly related to your field of study.
  • Unemployment Days: During OPT, you cannot be unemployed for more than 90 days (150 days for STEM OPT students), or you will lose your F-1 status.
  • Information Updates: If you change jobs, work location, or employment type, you must report to your school within 10 days.
  • STEM OPT Employer Requirements: Your employer for the STEM OPT extension must be E-Verified, and the job must be paid.


During OPT and CPT, it is important to maintain communication with your school's International Student Office. If you encounter any issues, it is recommended to seek professional legal advice.