H-1B Fees

The cost for an H-1B application ranges from $1,700 to $2,500, depending on the size of the company. For premium processing, there is an additional fee of $2,805.

Basic Fees (2024 Information)

    1. For Lottery

  • Electronic Registration Fee: $10

   2. For Petition

  • I-129 Application Fee: $460

  • Anti-Fraud Fee: $500 (not required for H-1B Extension)

  • ACWIA Fee:

    • Employers with 25 or More Full-Time Employees: $1,500

    • Employers with Fewer Than 25 Full-Time Employees: $750

These fees are to be paid by the employer.

Non-profit organizations, government research institutions, and educational institutions are exempt from paying the ACWIA fee.

Additional Fees

  • Premium Processing Fee: $2,805

  • Additional Fee for Large-Size Companies: if the employer has 50 or more employees and more than half hold H-1B or L-1 status, there will be an additional fee of $4,000.

Note: The fees above do not include attorney fees.