CPT - What is Day 1 CPT?

Day 1 CPT is a category of CPT that allows international students to start using CPT from the first day of their academic program.

Day 1 CPT refers to the use of CPT for work starting from the first day of your academic program. According to USCIS regulations, F-1 students can only apply for CPT after completing one academic year. However, USCIS also stipulates that at graduate levels, if the curriculum requires students to engage in internships or work from the start of the program, international students can use CPT for that employment, as long as it is closely related to their major area of study.

Please note that during CPT, you still hold F-1 student status, so studying should remain your primary focus. Internships and work are intended to help you better understand and apply what you have learned.


Day 1 CPT

Regular CPT

Working Hours

Can be part-time (20 hours or less) or full-time (more than 20 hours)

Usually part-time (20 hours or less); can be full-time during breaks (more than 20 hours)


Only applicable at the graduate level

Applicable at all degree levels

Start Time

From the first day of the program

From the second academic year