CPT - How to Apply for CPT?

International students can apply for CPT by contacting their school's Designated School Official (DSO).

This guide outlines the requirements, essential materials, and application steps to successfully obtain CPT authorization.

CPT Eligibility

  • You must be enrolled full-time in a degree program for at least one academic year (two semesters or three quarters). The only exception is if your degree program requires CPT participation from the start.

  • You must maintain valid F-1 status both when applying for CPT and throughout its duration.

  • You need a job offer for a position that is directly related to your program. The job offer letter must be signed and printed on the employer's official letterhead. 

  • Depending on the program, you may need to enroll in a CPT course and pay tuition.

  • You need to submit a CPT application to your school's International Student Office. 


You May Not be Eligible for CPT, if:

  • If you are enrolled in non-degree programs, such as English Language Training programs.

  • Depending on the school's policies, a self-employment offer letter may be accepted for CPT authorization.


CPT Application Process

The CPT application process varies by school. The following is an example of the CPT application process at the University of Southern California (USC).

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  1. Before starting the CPT application, ensure you have secured a formal job offer from your employer.

  2. Fill out the CPT I-20 application form (available on your school’s website).

  3. Submit the job offer letter and the completed CPT application to your DSO for review and signature.

  4. Enroll in the CPT internship course.

  5. Submit your application for a new CPT I-20, including the job offer letter with the Student Advisor's signature,

  6. Your Student Advisor will sign the CPT I-20 application form and provide your CPT course with Departmental Clearance.

  7. Within 4 business days, the Office of International Services (OIS) will email you the signed CPT I-20, indicating your employment details on page 2 or 3. Make sure all CPT authorization details are accurate.

  8. If you do not have a Social Security Number, visit the nearest SSA office with your employment letter, CPT I-20, and passport.

  9. You can only start working after receiving the CPT I-20 from the OIS and reaching the designated employment start date.

* According to school requirements, CPT generally accounts for 1-4 units of tuition, which must be paid separately and can be a considerable expense. The purpose of CPT is to provide work experience rather than generate a high income. However, this work experience can be valuable in finding a job after graduation. It is important to weigh the pros and cons of CPT based on your financial situation and post-graduate plans.